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Chicago Academic Medicine Program (CAMP 1)
University of Chicago- Biological Sciences
Chicago Academic Medicine Program (CAMP) I is a six-week commuter program for undergraduate students who have completed the freshman or sophomore year in college, or who are graduating from high school in the spring of 2018 and have been accepted into college in the fall …
College Students, Post-Baccalaureate Students, Graduate and Professional Students

Chicago Academic Medicine Program (CAMP 2)
University of Chicago - Biological Sciences Division
The University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine is home to a variety of pathway programs that prepare and inspire talented high school and college students to pursue careers in medicine and in health-related research. Chicago Academic Medicine Program (CAMP) II, in the Biological Sciences …
College Students, Graduate and Professional Students

Cultivating Health & Aging Researchers by Intergrating Science, Medicine and Aging (CHARISMA)
University of Chicago - Biological Sciences
CHARISMA is a program that prepares undergraduate students from populations underrepresented in medicine and the sciences to become clinical research leaders to address the health needs of an aging America. A diverse medical and scientific workforce is critical to ensuring that the knowledge available to …
College Students
Medicine, Other
Graduate Training Program in Breast Cancer Disparities
University of Chicago - Biological Sciences
The University of Chicago Breast Cancer Disparities Training Program offers master’s and PhD students training for careers in fields working to understand and end breast cancer disparities. Funded by a Graduate Training in Disparities Research grant from Susan G. Komen, students selected for support will …
Post-Baccalaureate Students
Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD)
University of Chicago - Biological Sciences
The IMSD (Initiative for Maximizing Student Development) supports research training, mentoring and educational activities of new graduate students, with the goal of enhancing the diversity of the biomedical, behavioral and clinical research workforce. It provides exposure to the biomedical and behavioral science community in a …
Post-Baccalaureate Students
Medicine, Psychology, Clinical or Counseling, Other