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Artifice Chicago
The University of Chicago- Institute on Population and Precision Health
@rtifice is a Woodlawn-based organization that uses project-based, hands-on learning to endow participants with the tech and entrepreneurial skills that will make them the masters of their own destiny.
Elementary and Middle School Students, High School Students
Chicago Academic Medicine Program (CAMP 1)
University of Chicago- Biological Sciences
Chicago Academic Medicine Program (CAMP) I is a six-week commuter program for undergraduate students who have completed the freshman or sophomore year in college, or who are graduating from high school in the spring of 2018 and have been accepted into college in the fall …
College Students, Post-Baccalaureate Students, Graduate and Professional Students

Chicago Academic Medicine Program (CAMP 2)
University of Chicago - Biological Sciences Division
The University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine is home to a variety of pathway programs that prepare and inspire talented high school and college students to pursue careers in medicine and in health-related research. Chicago Academic Medicine Program (CAMP) II, in the Biological Sciences …
College Students, Graduate and Professional Students
Chicago CHEC Program
Chicago Cancer Health Equity Collaborative
The ChicagoCHEC Fellows program is a comprehensive learning experience for undergraduate and postbaccalaureate students at Northeastern Illinois University, University of Illinois at Chicago, Northwestern University, the City Colleges of Chicago, and other Community/ Junior Colleges in the Chicago metropolitan area who are planning to apply …
College Students, Post-Baccalaureate Students
Chicago EYES (Educators and Youth Enjoy Science)
The University of Chicago
Chicago EYES (Educators and Youth Enjoy Science) on Cancer is a cancer research training program for high school and college students interested in careers in biomedicine. The program also welcomes secondary science educators. For two consecutive summers, participants work full time in the laboratories of …
High School Students, College Students
Collegiate Scholars Program
The University of Chicago
During the summer months, Collegiate Scholars take courses in humanities, social sciences, and mathematics, taught by University of Chicago faculty on the UChicago campus. Throughout the academic year, scholars engage in a series of enrichment activities focused on leadership development, civic engagement, college advising, academic …
High School Students

Cultivating Health & Aging Researchers by Intergrating Science, Medicine and Aging (CHARISMA)
University of Chicago - Biological Sciences
CHARISMA is a program that prepares undergraduate students from populations underrepresented in medicine and the sciences to become clinical research leaders to address the health needs of an aging America. A diverse medical and scientific workforce is critical to ensuring that the knowledge available to …
College Students
Medicine, Other
Dentistry Annual Urban Health Program Open House
The University of Illinois Chicago College of Dentistry Urban Health Program (UHP)
The College of Dentistry Urban Health Programs are focused on providing programming, resources and support for underrepresented students, which gives them early exposure to the dental profession. The UHP hosts events that bring together current and former students that have had similar paths growing up …
High School Students, College Students
Dentistry Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program (PAP)
University of Illinois Chicago College of Dentistry
The mission of the University of Illinois Chicago College of Dentistry (UIC COD) is to advance oral health through transformative education, research, clinical care and advocacy. Through a holistic review process, the Admissions committee works to identify and recommend applicants who will serve the oral …
Post-Baccalaureate Students
Diversity In Surgery Visiting Sub-Internship Program
Loyola University- Department of Surgery
Loyola University Medical Center’s Department of Surgery offers an annual Diversity in Surgery Visiting Sub-Internship Program. This program is intended to encourage medical students from racial and ethnic groups that are underrepresented in medicine to consider pursuing a career in academic surgery. The program will …
Graduate and Professional Students