All Programs
Chicago Area Health and Medical Careers Program (CAHMCP)
CPASS Foundation
CAHMCP offers exposure to STEM careers in medicine and other fields that many students never heard about. CAHMCP partners with universities, medical schools, and other organizations to provide rewarding enrichment opportunities that strengthen academic skills.
Graduate and Professional Students
Medicine, Other

Rush Mini Medical Program
Rush University Medical Center
The CPASS Foundation Mini Medical School at Rush University Medical Center introduces 4th- and 5th-grade students to the wonders of the health sciences and the healthcare professions through lectures, experiments, and other forms of exploration. Rush University is offering this Saturday enrichment program to students …
Elementary and Middle School Students
Medicine, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Public Health
SMASH Illinois
CPASS Foundation
SMASH Illinois is a program site of SMASH, the nationally-recognized signature education program of the Kapor Center. Our focus is on health—technology, innovation, and equity. The program begins after your freshman year and continues for the next two summers, with academic courses and support during …
High School Students
STEMM Scholars Academy
CPASS Foundation
If you’re a high school freshman with a passion for science, technology, engineering, math, or medicine (STEMM), you’re in the right place. Our residential STEMM program offers a remarkable opportunity for a five-week journey that awaits you after your 9th-grade year. Imagine immersing yourself in …
High School Students