- Academia De Padres (Parents Academy)
- Academic Summer Program Integrating Resources for Excellence
- Artifice Chicago
- ASPPH/CDC Public Health Fellowship Program
- ASPPH/EPA Fellowship
- ASPPH/EPA Public Health Fellowship Program
- Cancer Health Equity Summer Scholars (CHESS)
- Chicago Academic Medicine Program (CAMP 1)
- Chicago Academic Medicine Program (CAMP 2)
- Chicago Area Health and Medical Careers Program (CAHMCP)
- Chicago CHEC Program
- Chicago EYES (Educators and Youth Enjoy Science)
- Chicago Public Schools (CPS) Career and Technical Education (CTE)
- Collegiate Scholars Program
- Cultivating Health & Aging Researchers by Intergrating Science, Medicine and Aging (CHARISMA)
- Daniel Hale Williams Society
- Dentistry Annual Urban Health Program Open House
- Dentistry Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program (PAP)
- Dentistry Summer Dental Admission Test (DAT) Preparation
- Dentistry Summer Pre-Matriculation Program
- Discovering Healthcare Careers
- Diversity In Surgery Visiting Sub-Internship Program
- Diversity Scholars Program
- Early Opportunity Program
- Early Outreach Program
- E-Cademy
- Electroneurodiagnostic (END) Technologist
- ENpowered
- Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) Chicago
- Graduate Training Program in Breast Cancer Disparities
- Health Professionals Recruitment and Exposure Program (HPREP)
- Health Professionals Recruitment and Exposure Program (HPREP)- Loyola
- High School Pharmacy Camp
- High School Pharmacy Workshop
- Hispanic Center of Execellence
- Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD)
- Internal Medicine Summer Immersion Program
- Katz and Manne Research Institute Summer Scholars Program
- Latino Health Science Enrichment Program (LaHSEP 3)
- Latino Science Enrichment Program
- L@S Ganas Research Fellowship
- Medical/Dental Education Preparatory Program (MEDPREP)
- Medical Education Careers Exposure Emergency Preparedness (MedCEEP)
- Medicina Academy Apprentice Program (MAAP)
- MedSTEM Explorers
- MedSTEM Pathways
- Mentorship Program
- Mini Health Professions Program
- National Medical Fellowship
- Neuroscience Early Stage Scientist Training Program
- NFL Diversity In Sports Medicine Pipeline Initiative
- NM GCM Grosvenor Discovery Program
- NM Summer Internship Programs
- Northwestern Medicine Scholars Program
- Northwestern University Cancer Undergraduate Research and Education Program (NU-CURE)
- Office of Diversity and Inclusion-- Pre-Matriculation Program
- One Summer Chicago
- P4 Physician Preparatory Pipeline Program
- Portal To Biomedical Research Careers Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program (UIC PBRC PREP)
- Post-Baccalaureate Admissions Program
- Pre-Health Academic Readiness (PHAR) Undergraduate Summer Program
- Pre-Matriculation Program
- Program Advancing Research for Equity (PARE)
- Public Health Scholarship Program
- Research and Education for the Advancement of Compassionate Health Care (REACH) Program
- researchSTART
- Rush Mini Medical Program
- Schweitzer Fellows Program
- SI Bridges to the Baccalaureate Program (SI Bridges)
- Sinai Youth Summer Employment
- SMASH Illinois
- SpHeres
- STEM College of DuPage
- STEMM Scholars Academy
- Summer Medical Research Training (SMaRT) Program
- Summer Pharmacy Institute
- Summer Pre-Matriculation Program
- Summer Program in Vascular Neurology
- Summer Programs in Biomedical Sciences for High School Students -STEM CAMP
- Summer Programs in Biomedical Sciences for High School Students (STEM CAMP)
- Summer Programs in Biomedical Sciences for High School Students -Summer Science Internship
- Summer Undergraduate REsearch Program on Health Disparities
- TEACH Research
- The Diversity Clerkship in Trauma Burn Care and Research
- The Pritzker School of Medicine Experience in Research (PSOMER)
- UHP Health Exploration Scholars (HES)
- UIC PUBH100 Health and the Public Course- Highschool/UIC Dual Enrollment
- Undergraduate Research Symposium
- UP On EHS Internship Program
- Urban Bridges Medical Mentoring Physician Pipeline Program
- Urban Health Club
- Urban Health Mentorship Program
- Urban Health Program (UHP) Preparing Scholars for Academic Success (PASS)
- Urban Medicine (UMed) Program
- Urban Pipeline Program (UPP)
- Visiting Student Elective Program for Students Underrepresented in Medicine
- Young Doctors Program
The E-CADEMY program utilizes the nationally recognized Project Lead The Way curriculum, to teach students how to apply engineering skills to identify problems, create unique solutions and lead their own learning experience. Over the course of 32-weeks during the school year, students work both in teams and individually to develop the skills and knowledge required for success at the post-secondary level. Our goal is to provide a pathway of opportunities that brings like-minded students together, to motivate and prepare them to successfully pursue careers in engineering. Through their early involvement in the program, we believe that we can be the catalyst for increasing the number of students who successfully matriculate through college and pursue careers in the STEM fields.
Program Components
Primary Areas of Focus
- Recruitment (i.e. increasing awareness of and/or stimulating interest in health profession careers and degree programs
- Academic preparation (e.g., increasing STEM knowledge
Desired Outcomes
Learn to use industry leading software to solve engineering problems Create solutions to engineering design challenges Build a portfolio of work for continued education opportunities Gain skills in communication, critical thinking and collaboration Preparation for entrance into a post-secondary institution to pursue a STEM
Program Location
Settings: In-person
County: Cook County / Chicago, IL
Duration: 32 weeks during the school year
Time periods: None, None, None, None
Program Components
Academic skills development (e.g. study skills, test-taking
Gain skills in communication, critical thinking and collaboration -
Application guidance/support (e.g. standardized test prep)
Preparation for entrance into a post-secondary institution to pursue a STEM degree
Program Information
Education Levels
Health Professions
Program Sustainability
Affiliated Organizations and Networks
Project Lead The Way
Eligibility Criteria and How to Apply
Eligibility Criteria
Underrepresented racial and/or ethnic background
Traditionally unrepresented in STEM
Required Application Documents
Program Costs
Financial Assistance
High school students receive a stipend for participating
Contact Information
Project SYNCER
Phone: 773.982.8261